Articles and insights for data driven businesses

The Data Accessibility Checklist
Ben Liebert Ben Liebert

The Data Accessibility Checklist

Data accessibility concentrates only on one’s ability to retrieve data from a certain platform. It is not concerned with what is done to that data later. Store it in CSV, dump it in a data lake, or feed it to your cat - I don’t care. I’m simply interested in your ability to get the data in the first place…

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Introducing…Nerd Mode
Ben Liebert Ben Liebert

Introducing…Nerd Mode

It sounds easy, right? All that SyncHub essentially does is simply sync data from your cloud platforms. However there are a lot of moving parts behind-the-scenes and it is knowledge of these moving parts that helps customers understand how and when their data is coming down…

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Introducing…Deletion Management
Ben Liebert Ben Liebert

Introducing…Deletion Management

Reporting on deleted items is trivial for most cloud platforms, because they perform something called a “soft delete” when the user removes an item from their account. Here, the item is marked as deleted and the cloud platform notifies SyncHub about the change in status.

However, some platforms perform a “hard delete”…

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Does good design have to look good as well?
Steve Williams Steve Williams

Does good design have to look good as well?

One man’s ugly is another man’s beautiful. Some developers like the elegance of a single complex statement that fulfils the purpose while other eschew elegance and even efficiency for simplicity and construct the same capability in many more lines of code.

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Delivering custom Teamwork reporting the easy way
Roxanne de Bruyn Roxanne de Bruyn

Delivering custom Teamwork reporting the easy way

Umlaut, an Australian data management firm, struggled to create custom reports for their clients in a timely way. Through linking SyncHub, Teamwork and Power BI, they’ve ensured that they always have the information they need at their fingertips.

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Using data and Business Intelligence to get the most out of your people
Roxanne de Bruyn Roxanne de Bruyn

Using data and Business Intelligence to get the most out of your people

For many businesses, the people working in your shops, cafes or restaurants are the faces of your organisation. By taking a closer look at your data, you can get a good indication of which your staff create memorable customer experiences – the ones that lead to positive feedback and the customers coming back.

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Driving growth through data – 7 sales metrics to start on your BI dashboard
Roxanne de Bruyn Roxanne de Bruyn

Driving growth through data – 7 sales metrics to start on your BI dashboard

Through using your sales data effectively, you can identify opportunities to cross-sell or upsell products, understand why your customers are (or aren’t) buying and know the most effective way to close sales. This can help your sales team and website to work more effectively. But what metrics should you be measuring to get the information you need to make these decisions?

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Why you should make business analytics a priority
Roxanne de Bruyn Roxanne de Bruyn

Why you should make business analytics a priority

Sometimes called the “new oil” of the information age, data has become an extremely useful tool for any forward-looking business. Even small companies can no longer expect to be competitive without collecting and analysing data - if you aren’t doing it, your competitor almost certainly will be.

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